Ocean Free Hydra 30
การพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีพลังน้ำบริสุทธิ์ที่มี pH คงที่ แอมโมเนีย,ไนไตรท์,และค่าไนเตรตเป็นศูนย์ ด้วย Hydro Pure
Hydra 30
Q. Does this product remove algae growth? since it also reduces phosphates and nitrates into nitrogen gas..
A. The phosphates are broken down to precipitates. Yes , it will prevent algae growth BUT it really depends on your organic loads, if it too high for the filter to cope, u will still have algae growth.
Q. And also also means technically, we do not need to change water anymore cos ammonia, nitrites and nitrates will be removed in the process. Just need to get the suitable sized filter for my bioload and replaced the Cata pure filter medium when it is due for replacement? That is technically speaking.
A. Yes, but there is also other chemical loads like metals and heavy metals, so you still have to change water.
Hydropure is also adjusted to allow some nitrate accumulation as we need to cater for tanks with water plants.
Fish also need some organic ions in the water in order to survive. The life span of the Cata pure last approximate 1 year.
Q. Also means no need to buy mech and bio filter mediums anymore and also no need to cultivate BB anymore?
A. If the filter sizing is correct and the organic loading ( no. of fishes, amount of feed fed, plants present...etc) is within the capacity, you are right.
Mechanical filter is provided in the Hydropure and the purpose is to trap particulate waste so that it does not clog the system .
BB will also growth in the mechanical filter and it is also needed as the fish digestive system still needs BB and all the available surface in the tank will also be occupied by BB.
Hydropure ionising effect is effective within the catapure chamber and will not harm the BB or any other microorganisms in other parts of the tank .
I had attached a graph for a better understanding of this filter.